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Jack Phillips

Change Mentor & Supporter

With over 20 years of experience working at a senior level within the premium hospitality and leisure sector. I understand what people want not only from a facility but from the teams that work within them. High value is more about experience and journey and creating everlasting memories than just luxury.

A father to my amazing children and a keen explorer of life, I truly believe that some people act on impulse and some when they are ready. You should never beat yourself up about where you are compared to others, because we have no idea what others have gone through to get where they are or if they just wake up one day after months or even years of overthinking and decide to make a change.

We are all capable of making a change in our lives but how and when we do it should be up to us. Change is exciting, daunting and can be very tricky, embrace new experiences and absorb others lessons.

I have faced both extreme personal and business challenges and I’m always looking to pass on my experience, my expertise, my love of life and my journey. We can start where we are right now and change the end.

Jack Phillips
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